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Citizens Association for Responsible Gun Ownership = CARGO
Hello Fellow CARGO Members,
The next CARGO meeting is:
Thursday, May 20th and
we are meeting!
We are meeting at Armadillo Guns in Lavon Texas.
We will meet from 5:45 to 8:00 (ish).
Show and tell will be any firearm with a split receiver OR any “ghost gun” OR any pistol with a brace.
Please use the CARGO@att.net email or the CARGO Facebook page if you need to get in touch with the club.
Take care and be safe,
When was the last time you visited our web site? Please take some time to go to the CARGO website at www.cargogunclub.org
Thank you,
Paul Curtis
President - CARGO
"If you can read this, thank a teacher. For the fact that it is in English, thank a Veteran."
If for some reason, you no longer wish to receive these e-mails please accept our apologies and respond to this message with REMOVE in the subject line and we will remove your name from the mailing list.
This month's newsletter in it's entirety is in pdf format:
Please download it here: